No Place Like
After traveling 2,265 miles we are home. It was a wonderful and memorable trip. The highlight was meeting our very dear and special friend, Dania in Indianapolis. That alone was worth every mile we drove. We also were very privileged to spend an evening with her sister, Salwa, parents, Ali & Lala, and her very good friend, Jill. They were very hospitable serving us delicious hot tea, (thanks, Salwa) and goodies. We enjoyed learning about life in Baghdad and the adjustments of coming to America. We also learned that you can salt orange juice!! (haha, Dania) Another much enjoyed event was the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky. We would highly recommend that to everyone. The displays brought the Bible alive. My favorites were Noah & the ark, King David, and Mary, the mother of Jesus. The grounds have many beautiful plants and flowers with walkways and bridges. We are thankful to God for the lessons learned and memories made on this trip. We are also very grateful for God's protecting hand while traveling. Now we're back to the real world of work and blogging.
Light for Today: Trust should be in the living God who always richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. 1 Timothy 6:17 TLB
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Welcome home Mom! Hehe...
It is good to be home. Thanks for taking care of Sophie!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful time away from home and meeting new friends.
Thank you, Valerie. This was a very special vacation and will be long remembered.
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