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May God...
always provide for you
always show you mercy
always give you guidance
always direct your steps
always watch over you
always show you the truth
always give you strength
to trust Him in all things.
May God...
always provide for you
always show you mercy
always give you guidance
always direct your steps
always watch over you
always show you the truth
always give you strength
to trust Him in all things.
Light for Today: I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12
Happy New Year Anita! Wishing you all God's blessings in the coming year:>)
Anita, I can't begin to tell you how very thankful I am for women like yourself who post scripture verses. I Have great difficulty being able to concentrate long enough to read anymore due to OCD especially when there is a lot of text on the page. It absolutely makes my day when I come across an isolated passage such as this that I can meditate on through out my day. I so look forward to your posts in the new year. I am adding you to my sidebar so that I can easily find them. Thank you again! Elizabeth
Beautiful! Happy New Year!
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