Open The Gift Of Gratitude
We are grateful for eyes that can see and ponder, for taste buds that know the pleasures of eating and drinking, for hands that hold, and touch and feel, for ears that can delight in music and the voice of a friend, for a nose that can smell the aroma of newly mown grass or delicious food, and also can breathe the air that gives us life. We are grateful for the eyes of faith, for believing in the presence of God, giving us hope in our darkest day's, encouraging us to listen to our spirit's hunger, and reminding us to trust in the blessings of God in our most empty day's. Yes, we are grateful!
Light for Today: Praise the Lord, oh my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name. Psalm 103:1
Light for Today: Praise the Lord, oh my soul; all my inmost being, praise His holy name. Psalm 103:1
Merry Christmas Anita! We have much to be grateful for every day:>)
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